
As I developed Artisan Americana for my certificate program, I sought to create a food ordering app that blends modern convenience with an old school charm. This app stands out by allowing users to easily choose between delivery and pick-up option upfront (similar to when you would call in an order) and also allowing the user to choose their desired date and time for their order. Keeping things simple and customizable, the app is designed for quick, hassle-free ordering, ultimately enhancing both revenue and customer satisfaction.

Project Details


  • Overall: 8 weeks

  • Research: 3+ weeks

  • Design & testing: 5 weeks

My Role

  • Solo Project - Lead UX Designer


  • Research

  • Paper & digital wireframing

  • Low & high-fidelity prototyping

  • User interface

  • Responsive design


  • Figma

  • Jamboard

The Challenge

The challenge at hand revolves around the time constraints faced by individuals during the ordering process, often resulting in inconveniences such as delayed orders or, in some cases, complete oversight. This issue underscores the need for a more user-centric solution that streamlines the ordering experience. To tackle this problem, the aspiration is to implement a feature that enables users to place orders for pick-up or delivery well in advance, affording them the convenience of scheduling orders at their preferred date and time. This proactive approach not only addresses the current inconvenience but also aligns with the goal of enhancing overall user satisfaction.


In order to overcome this challenge, I began thinking about the ordering process and how much it has evolved in the last 25 years. I specially thought back to the days we’d browse through the printed menu’s and pamphlets delivered to our home. We’d look through a menu and called in our order when we were ready.

This reflection inspired me to think of a solution that kept that same simplicity from the past while tying it in with modern convenience. In order to accomplish this, I decided to replicate certain steps from the old-school ordering method and build upon them, aiming for an enhanced and more convenient ordering experience. The goal was to maintain the essence of simplicity from bygone days while incorporating elements that align with contemporary expectations and efficiency.

Research Summary

In order to gain a better understanding of user pain points, needs and expectations from a food ordering service, two research methods were employed: an unmoderated survey and a competitive analysis. The unmoderated survey allowed for candid feedback, on user’s own time and without the influence from my presence. The competitive analysis gave me insight into what is currently available and helped me identify areas of opportunities. This information allowed me to tailor a unique user experience for Artisan Americana customers that would meet their needs. For example, from my survey results, I learned that a good ordering experience lies in the simplicity of the ordering process; the easier the process, the more positive the experience. The competitive analysis proved to be quite useful as well, in particular the user reviews. These reviews provided insight into the pain points of their user experience and provided opportunities to potentially integrate into the app.

The following are some comments I found on the Apple App Store from competitor apps.

Applebee’s App Review

Olive Garden App Review

I took a closer look into these statements by following up on each app. Although both applications do offer customization on their orders, the user pain point noted above are still present and members are limited on their order customization. This created an opportunity for Artisan Americana.

To continue learning about user needs, and pain points, I created personas with their own specific traits along with their personal user journey. This allowed me to think outside of my own biases and gave me different points of views to consider. The following is an example of one of those personas and their respective journey.

Wireframing & Prototyping

I initiated the design process by sketching various paper wireframes. This method allowed me to explore numerous ideas. As I continued the process, I selected and combined elements from different wireframes, eventually landing on the iteration that would go on to a digital version. 

The digital wireframes seen here are one of the few iterations made after building the initial lo-fi prototype. These changes were inspired by the feedback received from the user usability survey’s which highlighted the need for a simplified menu screen and a better way of selecting a location. While not every piece of feedback was integrated, the revamped menu screen, with some tailored modifications, was adopted due to its ability to offer a cleaner and simpler design.

Final Design

I arrived at the final design seen above after numerous iterations and suggestions from user feedback. This current design offers a simple interface that put the user in full control of their journey by allowing them to easily choose where, when and how they will receive their order from the get-go. In addition, members can opt in for a personalized experience by signing in or they can swiftly move through to the ordering process as a guest.

As an added convenience, the View Menu option was also added to the initial screen. Though this is not live on the prototype, the idea was to provide members with a link to a PDF file that could easily be shared with friends and family. No need to sign up or proceed further – just dive into our offerings at your own pace, making accessibility and engagement a breeze.

What I learned

Developing Artisan Americana from the ground up really helped me better understand the design process. I learned how limiting your biases can be and how important it is to conduct user research and testing in order to create a product that is both useful and accessible. I discovered that iteration is an ongoing process that continues to evolve well after you have a ‘final’ product. Most importantly, I recognized that placing the user at the heart of your design is paramount to your success.

If you have any questions about this project, please feel free to reach out. I would love to discuss!